
Loving horses is a family affair

Watching the star show-jumper Martin Fuchs trains

New episode of the CHIO Aachen Digital Report

Martin Fuchs raves about his successful horses, Clooney and Leone Jei! The Swiss high-flyer tells us how 2021 went for him; with all its ups and downs – from Clooney‘s accident while out at grass, to the European Championship title with the team, through to his amazing victory in the Rolex Grand Prix at the CHI Geneva with Leone Jei. Furthermore, we were allowed to take an exclusive look behind the scenes of the family business of the Fuchs‘ and of course pressed as many details as we could about Martin out of his father Thomas too. Find out which quirks the Vice World Champion has in this episode of the CHIO Aachen Magazine.


He is the most successful Swiss jumping horse: Of course, Clooney can’t be missing either and we will not only visit the superstar on the paddock, but also find out plenty about his life in retirement. What’s more, we will also learn more about Martin’s plans for 2022, which of his horses will be competing in Aachen this year and what his strategy is as contender for the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping. Of course, Martin will also take part in our darts challenge with his stallion, Chaplin. Whether he will be able to beat Julia Krajewski? And of course, we have plenty of Martin Fuchs’ special CHIO Aachen moments in store for you. So, make sure you tune in!


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