
Finally CHIO Aachen again

Sunday at 7 pm on YouTube

The preparations for the biggest equestrian show in the world are in full swing. Here on the CHIO Aachen grounds, but also elsewhere. In Warendorf at the NRW State Stud or also with dressage rider Patrik Kittel. But what exactly does it look like? And what do Marina and Julia Schuster from the channel @marinaunddieponys discover on their tour of the CHIO Aachen grounds? We will tell you in the new episode of the CHIO Aachen Magazine digital.
Among other things, moderator Jasna will be busy helping out on the cross-country course, getting helpful tips from showjumper Luciana Diniz on how to ride in the course, and preparing a show horse for its grand entrance. As highlights, she gets a taste of the marathon this year from four-in-hand driving star Bram Chardon and a beginner’s course in vaulting from world champion Pauline Riedl!

You can’t miss this: On Sunday at 7 p.m. on our YouTube channel, on chioaachen.de and at ClipMyHorse.TV.



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The new episode

Sunday from 7 pm